pleasure killer quiz result

Your #1 Pleasure Killer is...THE HIDDEN TREASURE !

Thank you for taking the quiz. Clearly improving your intimate life and personal development is something you really care about, and it’s a smart decision you’ve made by spending the time to focus on trying to figure out what’s holding you back from accessing the pleasure and connection you deserve.


Based on everything you’ve told me about your situation, where you’re currently, and the challenges you’re facing, your number #1 pleasure killer right now is what I call The Hidden Treasure.


Let me explain what that is, and what it means for your intimate life.

The HIDDEN TREASURE: The main obstacle that’s impacting your sex life and getting in the way of your pleasure!

The HIDDEN TREASURE relates to not having access to the right information and sexual education to fully understand your body, how it’s wired for pleasure and to have your sexual needs met while pleasing your partner.


Do you sense that:


 You are craving more sexual satisfaction and connection but you do not know what turns you on?




You might’ve discovered your sexual preferences and how you want to be loved but not the words or tools to use to express your needs to your partner without hurting their feelings or making them feel inadequate.



You get stuck in your head thinking about all the things on your to do list instead of enjoying the sensuality of love making.




You might have come across a few tips and tricks that work for you but you know deep down that there’s a lot more out there, A HIDDEN TREASURE.


 If I were to guess, I’d say you probably grew up with little to no sex education. And if you were one of the lucky ones, the sex education you received was focused on abstinence, avoiding pregnancy and preventing STI’s with no mention of pleasure or how you can figure out how your body is designed for arousal. 


Not having access to pleasure focused sex ed and how to navigate an integral part of your being-your sexuality- is your #1 pleasure killer and what’s getting in the way of your ultimate sexual life and wellness.

Tips to overcome your pleasure killer- THE HIDDEN TREASURE !

Like anything else in life, you become better at things you study and develop. If you wanted to become a competitive basketball player, you would probably do a whole lot of research on the right techniques, how to be a team player and how to master your skills. Similarly, when it comes to your sex life, there’s always so much that you can learn to enhance your experience and to hone your skills in the bedroom. 

1. Understand your unique sexual wiring and how your body accesses pleasure through a customized approach

Understanding your unique sexual wiring is like discovering your own map to arousal. This includes the types of touch your body responds positively to; could be a light hovering touch, a sensual stroke, or a rough spanking. Maybe your body likes to be massaged and caressed for a while before any sexual activity takes place or maybe you like to jump right into it. Are you into role play, does the idea of psychological games with control and surrender turn you on? What about dirty talking? Teasing?


Understanding your body is key because once you have the awareness you can finally figure out how to feed yourself sexually.


 2. Understand things that are activating your brake response


In her book ‘Come as you are” Dr Emily Nagoski explains the brain’s sexual ‘accelerator’ and ‘brakes’. The accelerator responds to sexual stimuli associated with arousal, i.e. the things that turn you on. The brakes on the other hand send a signal to your brain that indicates this is not a good time to be turned on, i.e. the things that turn you off. The activation of sexual brakes in the brain can be very useful when you are faced by potential threats that could range from not being in a safe space, to unwanted pregnancies or STIs. But at other times, it could be activated by thoughts of feeling unattractive naked, concerns about the kids walking in or worries about not having enough time to meet a deadline.


It is so important to recognize and eliminate the things that activate your brakes so you are able to sink into your body and access pleasure. The stimuli that activate the brain’s brakes differ from one person to another. Examples to avoid them include, scheduling sex after the kids have gone to sleep, tidying up the room and finishing off chores beforehand, addressing body image issues, overcoming shame, resolving relationship problems etc. As mentioned, the key step here is awareness, you first have you recognize ‘your turn offs’ so you are able to work on eliminating them.

 3. Learn the art of communicating your needs to your partner


Talking about sex and communicating your needs with your partner is key to intimacy and pleasure. However, talking about sex is far from easy for many and it does not come naturally despite how comfortable your partner makes you feel. Some are afraid of hurting their partner's feelings while others are just embarrassed and ashamed of going into detail of what they really want and crave. 


The good news is, communicating your sexual needs is a skill that you can learn, regardless of how uncomfortable it may seem. And why do that? because talking openly about sex with your partner is a fundamental pillar of a healthy and satisfying sex life.

let me introduce myself

Want to connect?

Hey there, and welcome – I'm Yasmeen Sharan. I am here to help you understand and tap into a core part of your being- your sexuality- to achieve the levels of pleasure and love you deserve. Providing you with a personalized approach to uncover your needs, desires, pathways and blocks to create the sex life of your dreams; And to access more pleasure and fulfillment in and out of the bedroom.

​Looking for a little extra guidance? 

Book a free 30-minute consultation with me. If you can't wait another day to start your transformation journey, book a time for us to chat! 

PS: Follow me on Instagram. I post regular tips for building a healthy and pleasure filled sex life. Connection, communication, and satisfaction ! I've got you covered.