about TAP IN


Let’s crush those barriers today

how it all began

I created TAP IN out of necessity…

I spent my life striving for perfection since I was a little girl. Determined to meet all kinds of goals and expectations set by family, culture, and society as a whole. I had no problem ticking every box on the 'checklist of expectations,' whether it was getting straight A's, being a 'good girl,' getting the Master's degree, and being married to the 'right candidate'.


At the age of 30, I realized that although I had no issues conforming to others' expectations and hand-me-down beliefs, I was not fulfilled as I was serving everyone but myself. Through a sequence of painful experiences, I was luckily pushed to kick off my journey of personal growth and self-discovery. And that's when I knew that looking within, tapping in, was the only way to live life more authentically. A life that I am in charge of! And that's how I landed on the beautiful path of owning my sexuality!

My journey of sexual discovery…

I grew up in the Middle East, where discussing sexuality was considered taboo and shameful. Without any formal education on the subject, my understanding of sexuality relied solely on media and conversations with friends who, like me, had limited exposure due to our culture's ingrained shame.

As a result, my early experiences with intimacy were far from satisfying, leaving me feeling incomplete and unsure why I couldn't attain the pleasure portrayed in the media and culture.

Making my mess my message

I lacked the understanding of my own body and desires, and I struggled to communicate about intimacy with my partners or express my needs. Additionally, I faced challenges with mismatched libidos and preferences, leading to significant disconnection in my relationships. Perhaps the toughest part was feeling utterly alone, silently enduring the struggle to unravel this mystery all on my own.

Even though I had some pretty crappy experiences, deep down, I always knew there was a whole world of knowledge and exploration waiting for me. The problem was I had no clue how to access it. All I had were random tools, half-baked resources, and people who needed more answers. But then, miraculously, I stumbled upon the world of self-development and received incredible personalized coaching. Let me tell you, that decision changed my life in the most remarkable ways imaginable.

Becoming a coach was a no-brainer for me because I saw firsthand how coaching transformed my life. But why did I specifically dive into the intimacy realm? I believe that changing the culture starts from within, my friend. I wanted to be the person that people in the Arab and Muslim world could talk to—a person who gets their cultural intricacies, values confidentiality like nobody's business, and, most importantly, has walked the same path they have. I wanted to create that safe space I wish I had back then, where we can break through barriers and expand ourselves like never before.

Don’t’ wait

You waste the best years of your life thinking you can’t do much about your sex life

MEET your Coach

From personal struggles to professional expertise: my journey to becoming a certified Intimacy Coach

This path is more than just a career for me, it is my life purpose and soul’s calling. For this reason, I decided to go all in and invest in the best education and training out there. I spent years training with a number of leading organizations to become the coach for this big missison:

  • I obtained the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credentials by ICF- International Coach Federation.

  • I became a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) by enrolling in one of the most rigorous coaching training programs in the world through The Co-Active Training Institute -CTI (CTI is a ground-breaking organization in the coaching & training industry- the world's oldest and largest). 

  • I became a Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach™, trained and mentored by Jaiya, award-winning sexologist, author, creator of the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course™ and the founder of New World Sex Education (featured on the Netflix series ‘Sex, Love & Goop’). 

  • I also acquired training in various coaching modalities through other organizations such as PSI and the Accelerated Evolution Academy.

let’s work together →


knowledge is power

  • Associate Certified Coach (ACC), International Coach Federation.

  • Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach™, Jaiya Inc.

  • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), CTI.

  • Certified Accelerated Evolution Coach, Accelerated Evolution Academy.

  • Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Toronto Metropolitan University.

  • Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering, Toronto Metropolitan University.

  • Project Management Professional (PMP), PMI.




Discover the main obstacle that’s impacting your sex life and getting in the way of your pleasure.