pleasure killer quiz result
Your #1 Pleasure Killer is...THE GAP !
Thank you for taking the quiz. Clearly improving your intimate life and personal development is something you really care about, and it’s a smart decision you’ve made by spending the time to focus on trying to figure out what’s holding you back from accessing the pleasure and connection you deserve.
Based on everything you’ve told me about your situation, where you’re currently, and the challenges you’re facing, your number #1 pleasure killer right now is what I call The Gap.
Let me explain what that is, and what it means for your intimate life.
The GAP: The main obstacle that’s impacting your sex life and getting in the way of your pleasure!
The GAP refers to the lack of connection or trust in your relationship (or self) that is stopping you from accessing pleasure and satisfaction in your intimate life.
There is a big difference between having sex and experiencing sexual intimacy. Although, sex by itself doesn’t require intimacy, it is very difficult for you to enjoy it without the emotional connection. And you are not alone, research suggests that higher levels of intimacy are associated with higher levels of sexual desire in long term romantic relationships.
This pleasure killer is not only impacting your intimate life and relationships, its robbing you from experiencing satisfaction and joy in most aspects of your life.
As human beings, feeling safe and connected is foundational to our wellness and survival. And yet, so many of us lack trust and feel disconnected.
Maybe you experience repetitive cycles of misunderstanding, bitterness and resentment in your relationship, it becomes difficult for you to be understood, seen, and loved. The impact of these negative cycles affects the way you view the world and yourself, chipping away at your own happiness.
It could be past experiences of betrayal or infidelity that are making the disconnection and lack of trust even more intense.
It may be a result of growing up in a high conflict household with no model of a healthy, deep relationship.
The one thing you probably have in common with most is that dealing with your emotions is not something that the world has taught you to do well. From a young age, most of us have been taught to identify more with our thoughts than our feelings. And due to these societal norms, many have picked up the habit of curbing their emotions and as a result struggle to understand their true feelings, leading to stronger feelings of isolation and disconnection.
Tips to overcome your pleasure killer- THE GAP!
1. Develop your emotional intimacy
As you may have heard, emotional intimacy with a partner is a key ingredient in a successful relationship. Also, in order to be able to cultivate emotional intimacy in a partnership one must cultivate emotional intimacy with themself. Exploring needs, accepting desires and embracing the downs the way you celebrate the ups are a few examples of growing your emotional muscles.
Another key to intimacy and connection is communication. Talking about sex and communicating your needs with your partner is key to intimacy and pleasure. Talking about sex is far from easy for many and it does not come naturally despite how comfortable your partner makes you feel. Some are afraid of hurting their partner's feelings while others are just embarrassed and ashamed of going into detail of what they really want and crave.
The good news is, communicating your needs is a skill that you can learn, regardless of how uncomfortable it may seem. Being vulnerable and open is the best way to establish trust and have a deep connection. Being open about sexual fantasies, desires, blocks and needs in general is the ultimate form of vulnerability and through the vulnerability you can achieve sexual and emotional freedom, solo and in a partnership.
2. Work on healing and overcoming past wounds and traumas.
In life when you go through hardships and painful events, such as betrayal, physical or emotional abuse or other traumatic experiences, your brain is literally rewired causing you to live life in a state of fight or flight. Ironically, your brain does this in an attempt to ‘protect you’ as it constantly expects more pain to come your way which you may end up unconsciously attracting through your actions.
Your mindset and emotional well-being influence the way you live your life greatly; You start to break patterns that are not serving you by working on the relationship you have with your thoughts and your ability to break mental barriers.
Investing the time and energy into healing is so crucial because when you are on your healing journey you can develop a healthy mindset that considers past regrets, mistakes and pain as lessons and teachers to guide better choices going forward as opposed to living in fear and attracting more pain.
Healing from past pain and breaking old patterns does not happen overnight. It is a process that requires dedication, a willingness to change and lots of patience and compassion. Find a healing modality that works for you and start to invest in your wellness journey as it is one of the best things you can do for yourself!
3. Find balance within you and in the relationship (Polarity work)
The law of polarity states that everything has an equal and exact opposite that cannot exist without the other (e.g., birth and death, day and night, success and failure etc.). There is an opposite for everything in our world and this is necessary for balance within our universe.
Finding balance and working on your polarities is crucial especially because of the way most societies operate- out of balance and harmony. Our culture dictates certain ideas on what you should strive for. For example, to focus more on logic than emotions, the doing vs the being, to celebrate success and hide failures etc.; leaving many feeling burnt out, exhausted and depleted.
Coming to terms with yourself and accepting the so-called opposing forces within you and embracing both sides (good vs bad, sadness vs joy, being vs doing, rest vs work etc.) is one way you can achieve harmony and balance within yourself.
This work also impacts your relationships as polarity is what causes the spark or attraction between two people. The dance between two opposing energies, the masculine and the feminine. Regardless of your gender, in order for attraction to work one partner has provide the masculine polarity while the other brings the feminine polarity. It's therefore so important to pay attention to the energy you spend most of your time in compared to your partner’s and to learn how to tap into more feminine or masculine energy as needed.
let me introduce myself
Want to connect?
Hey there, and welcome – I'm Yasmeen Sharan. I am here to help you understand and tap into a core part of your being- your sexuality- to achieve the levels of pleasure and love you deserve. Providing you with a personalized approach to uncover your needs, desires, pathways and blocks to create the sex life of your dreams; And to access more pleasure and fulfillment in and out of the bedroom.
Looking for a little extra guidance?
Book a free 30-minute consultation with me. If you can't wait another day to start your transformation journey, book a time for us to chat!
PS: Follow me on Instagram. I post regular tips for building a healthy and pleasure filled sex life. Connection, communication, and satisfaction ! I've got you covered.