pleasure killer quiz result
Your #1 Pleasure Killer is...THE DIMMED LIGHT !
Thank you for taking the quiz. Clearly improving your intimate life and personal development is something you really care about, and it’s a smart decision you’ve made by spending the time to focus on trying to figure out what’s holding you back from accessing the pleasure and connection you deserve.
Based on everything you’ve told me about your situation, where you’re currently, and the challenges you’re facing, your number #1 pleasure killer right now is what I call The Dimmed Light.
Let me explain what that is, and what it means for your intimate life.
The DIMMED LIGHT: The main obstacle that’s impacting your sex life and getting in the way of your pleasure!
The DIMMED LIGHT refers to your social conditioning, your main obstacle to sexual health and pleasure.
If you were to reflect on what holds you back when it comes to pleasure and sexuality, the voice in your head that stops you from seeking what you crave. The voice that comes up with excuses why your pleasure is not a top priority for you. Sometimes, it doesn’t even make it on your list.
It’s that voice that has now become a part of you, that was formed by family and society conditioning you to be a certain way, to fit into a mould, so you can be accepted by your culture.
A voice that can produce so much shame and guilt over a natural and fundamental part of your being, dimming your light.
Most societies tend to label sex as dirty, sinful and wrong; and although some may do that as a form of ‘protection’, predominately for females (from being used/played or being pregnant out of wedlock) what ends up happening is that many end up feeling immense shame and pain about their sexual urges, desires and behaviours. And we know how destructive shame is, it creates pain, fear, dysfunction, and self hatred which is the true root cause of most sexual problems.
This pleasure killer is linked to the shame and guilt associated with the hand me down limiting beliefs and ideas that you’ve been taught by your family and society. It also includes your personal experience and history. Past traumas, toxic relationships, the baggage from the past that is still affecting your current relationship and sexual life.
Tips to overcome your pleasure killer- THE DIMMED LIGHT !
Sexual suppression is not just a local issue but a global phenomenon. In most cultures, you are taught that sexuality and pleasure are not to be talked about. Whether it’s direct or indirect, sex is commonly tainted by so much shame. The shame and guilt associated with sexuality leads to the suppression of an intrinsic and vital part of yourself.
1. Develop self-awareness by shedding light on your limiting beliefs around sexuality
Limiting beliefs are so powerful that they can not only stop you from achieving your dreams and reaching your potential but can also destroy your self-worth, confidence and rob you of joy. Understanding your social conditioning (and its impact on your life and the decisions you make) is key in overcoming shame and guilt. Some of the common misconceptions that lead to shame and/ or guilt include:
Women who have strong sexual desire are promiscuous,
Men who do not have strong sexual desire are not ‘manly’,
Being into kink makes you abnormal or sexually deviant,
Masturbating while you’re in a relationship means you’re not sexually stimulated by your partner ……
Although I just listed a few common limiting beliefs, you are unique even when it comes to your limiting beliefs. Investing the time and effort into uncovering your own limiting beliefs is the first and most important step in overcoming shame and/or guilt.
2. Adopt empowering beliefs around sexuality through pleasure focused sex education
What you’re told about sex growing up becomes part of your programming, mostly at a subconscious level. Through proper pleasure focused sex education, you can learn tools to navigate your sex life more safely and in pleasure so you can have healthier and more fulfilled lives.
Like anything else in life, you become better at things you study and develop. If you wanted to become a competitive basketball player, you would probably do a whole lot of research on the right techniques, how to be a team player and how to master your skills. Similarly, when it comes to your sex life, there’s always so much that you can learn to enhance your experience and the way you view sexuality and life in general.
3. Work on healing and overcoming past wounds and traumas
In life when you go through hardships and painful events, such as betrayal, physical or emotional abuse or other traumatic experiences, your brain is literally rewired causing you to live life in a state of fight or flight. Ironically, your brain does this in an attempt to ‘protect you’ as it constantly expects more pain to come your way which you may end up unconsciously attracting through your actions.
Your mindset and emotional well-being influence the way you live your life greatly; You start to break patterns that are not serving you by working on the relationship you have with your thoughts and your ability to break mental barriers.
Investing the time and energy into healing is so crucial because when you are on your healing journey you can develop a healthy mindset that considers past regrets, mistakes and pain as lessons and teachers to guide better choices going forward as opposed to living in fear and attracting more pain.
Healing from past pain and breaking old patterns does not happen overnight. It is a process that requires dedication, a willingness to change and lots of patience and compassion. Find a healing modality that works for you and start to invest in your healing and wellness as it is one of the best things you can do for yourself!
let me introduce myself
Want to connect?
Hey there, and welcome – I'm Yasmeen Sharan. I am here to help you understand and tap into a core part of your being- your sexuality- to achieve the levels of pleasure and love you deserve. Providing you with a personalized approach to uncover your needs, desires, pathways and blocks to create the sex life of your dreams; And to access more pleasure and fulfillment in and out of the bedroom.
Looking for a little extra guidance?
Book a free 30-minute consultation with me. If you can't wait another day to start your transformation journey, book a time for us to chat!
PS: Follow me on Instagram. I post regular tips for building a healthy and pleasure filled sex life. Connection, communication, and satisfaction ! I've got you covered.